
Called: riija
Alias: precious
Age: 19
Gender: femme fatale
Things i like: anime, music, tv, the internet, art
Favorite words: glitter girl, circus-sex, jitter bug, crystal queen
Music: Tori Amos, Garbage, Fiona Apple, Train, Matchbox20, Bush, Poe
Things i might not admit to: listening to Britney Spears, watching Buffy,
sleeping till noon, being sex-o-phobic..
Addicted to: ordering new records
Things i feel nostalgic about: My Little Pony, bad 80's cartoons like Dungeons n' Dragons, Lady Lovelylocks dolls, and lots and lots of toys..
Suffering from:
insecurity and unattractiveness
pictures: cds, knickers, tongue
lyric of the day:
careful - warning - fragile heart
jewel - fragile heart

ICQ number.. i've forgotten? o_O

AN Forums as precious - i never post there though


fanlistings and cliques


If, for some reason you'd like to link stardate here are some buttons etc you can use, made by me. SAVE THEM TO YOUR OWN SERVER!






February 29th
disoppointing oscar

I'm so glad next year there will be no more lord of the rings and they'll be some oscars left over for others as well. If i'm not mistaken LOTR won in every category it was nominated in. Might that just be a tad much? I might have coped with it had it not also won best picture. the effects are admittably incredible but personly i think ten groundwork oscars are enough recognition as it is. i mean come on, there are other special effects movies out there as well! That wovie was just so bought in my opinion. Although i am glad that Annie Lennox won the oscar for best song. Her performance of it was astounding and she just looked beautiful.

Whole heartedly other wise a very disappointing evening. I think we all new that it would be Charlize and Renee, even though i really wish Renee wouldn't have gotten it. Her accent was horrid and peronly i think her performance was trashy. And i was sorta rooting for keisha, but probably just because she was so young.

We all of course knew there was no hope for Johnny Depp no matter how much us drooling fangirls prayed. But i'll admit it was a though call. Sean Penn gave an amazing performance, and i really think Bill Murray deserves an oscar for decades of incredible movies. I'm actually pretty surprised he even got nominated since besides LOTR big hollywood effects movies that are well received by any audience and slightly mainstream never get any mention at all. Johnny really does do the best eccentric characters though, and maybe someday tha academy will notice that as well.

I'm heart broken that lost in translation didn't get best picture, but i am glad Sofia Coppola at least got best original screenplay. It just so wrong. I also wish she would have won best director, if only for the fact that she was the first american woman to be ever nominated in that category. I mean come on, 76 years of oscars and only a few years ago Halle Berry got the first black leading lady and only now we're getting american women in the directing category. come on. out of the dark ages.

Other categories i didn't really care about, i lost interest after the fifth LOTR oscar. I think Billy Cristal did an amazing job and i actually kinda enjoyed his comedy, which i usually don't. But he's been doing it for years so i guess it figures that he's good.

Now i'm going to bed and i'll give out my oscars, since i seem to be the only one with any taste around here! don't you just hate those movies that hog all the oscars, and nominations as well! If you're listed for one category you might as well be listed for five..

February 23rd
envy and talentlessness rolled into one

I'm feeling so uninpsired. I've found a new board to stalk, called BORED NOW fan art (i forget the URL).. but after looking for inspiration in other people's work i've come to terms with my talentlessness.. which is not to say that i had any illusions about my level of design talent before, but now i'm getting to the point that i get so frustrated while working on something that i tend to give up before finishing, no matter for much of a learning experience completing the work might be. i just wish i was better, better now and not better after years of practice. It's getting so bad that by now i'm having a hard time just enjoying other people's work for it's visual appeal. Instead i'm disgrunteled by my own lack of talent. In all my frustration i thought about taking the whole wallpaper gallery down for a while, but if i did that i'd never get it up again, so whatever.

January 12th
absolute, utter internet isolation and anime deprivation

I'm actually so bored i'm updating. incredible.
I'm so frustrated. I live in absolute internet isolation. i used to have online buddies and everything but multiple ISP problems and computer switches completely alienated me from that community. and well, the fact that i started to avoid it like the plague.
so now, it's isolation for me. i read several boards and blogs but always just lurk in shadows. i think my prior experiences have scared me for life.

I'm also devastatingly frustrated by my lack of an anime community. I've started avoiding the AN boards as well, since the general age of most members seems to be around 12. I'm dying for some actual conversation. this hopelessness is only strengthened by the fact that only today i came across a thread by the fine name of "who do think is the hatest anime charater."
uh, children.

so i've decided to solve all my problems by overloading myself on new fansubs. I didn't manage to get all the saikano subs on time (damn you viz, damn! the suspense will be the end of me!) and i can't really find a lot of series i might be interested in now. it's so bad in fact that i'm even considering maria sama ga miteru or mari-mite as it's called in Japan in all it's shouju-ai goodness. i also still have some manga i brought over from America i have yet to read. as well as some dvds. maybe i'll make it through the dark months after all.

in totally different news i'm considering an actual domain. the only problem is if i pay for a domain, my internet isolation crisis might only get worse. i'm not gonna pay for a domain, no matter how much i like to hear myself think, if no one is ever gonna see it. and who would see it since i have absolutely no friends online. i need to make connections. infiltrate a community.

September 25th
a light in the dark

a tiny speckle of hope.
Things i miss most about America when at home.

  • see-through straws w/ apple juice
  • the combined smell of pretzels + subway smoke in NY
  • Ben & Jerry's Mint Cookie ice cream
  • freezing air conditioned spaces
  • tiny servings of yellow mustard in fastfood joints
  • that drug-store-smell (you don't even realize it's there)
  • sour jellybeans
  • coke w/ a twist

August 16th
monday morning on a weekend

This has been the weekend from hell.
The weekend has included a) my mum losing all her keys b) me losing my keys and having to climb on to the garage ruf at 3 o'clock in the morning in heels and breaking thru a window c) the dog stepping in glass and bleedin on the carpet and finally d) almost dying a painfull death by being crushed under the garage door. This would all be incredibly funny if it wasn't all true.

The worst part of it all it that it's only saturday.

August 10th
i am electric - made of wire

An utterly senseless title that is, for the day..
actually got myself to put some pics up. starting to get annoyed with no body for coming here. all these in vain? all my secret emotions? well, at least they're still secret now.

This weekend i spent my first paycheck at Amazon. i got my first porn novel. graphic novel, that is. I've been waiting for that one for years *big face*

I had a funny encounter with myself this weekend also. I've never had any kind of sex drive. I'm uncomfortarble with sex. It makes me nervous and starts uncontrollable trains of thought that end up in teenage pregnancy and getting married at nineteen. *shudder* i've never been horny. and nothing's changed in my head, so this is totally new for me. i crave sexual simulation. there, i said it.

August 4th
sleepless nights n' endless days

i'm so empty.
no one ever comes here, so i've stopped worrying about honesty or the lack of it. i'm a fraud. my head takes me to such mean places that i don't know if want to thrive in or leave forever. i pretend i have direction, but i go to bed at night terrified i'm the one who screwed myself over. missed every chance ever laid in front of me. pretending not to notice the signs, and stubbornly still going forward - what nonsense.

i give myself very good advice, but i very seldom follow it.
- Alice in Wonderland

July 27th
daytitle here?

shitty nights and endless days.
i can't make up my mind about this blog and so i've gone from loving it to lovingly avoiding it. after all, no one comes here so i don't think it matters, even though i still feel guilty about it.

A few days ago i was thinking about going to college. that would be a big step. one i know in my heart of hearts that i'm not ready to take, but it pisses me off that i could choose the life i was so upset i was missing now. and won't. going to college would be like the answer to everything. i'd get away from this place, have direction without having to make major desicions about my future. i'd get away from my boyfrined and get to have a life of my own. and if he'd still be here when i got back it would be real.
but i won't go.

so it doesn't matter.

well, at least when i get my first paycheck i can finally buy clover, and get lost in a true elsewhere. i keep talking about a true elsewhere, but i don't think there is one for me.
not anymore.

Friend Bear
You are everyone's ideal friend because you are sincere and genuinely kind. Sometimes you worry about your friends' problems so much, you forget about your own responsibilities, which can get you into trouble. For you, it's the little things that really count. You also happen to be the main driver of the Cloud Car. No speeding!

June 29,2003
uh-ah, where am i?

you know, i love my new blog with all capital letters, but i'm having a serious identity crisis because of it - or concerning it. i can't decide on the honesty level i want to portray for world wide analyses. i've been talking to myself for so long that it's weird to imagine someone listening, or even consider the possibility - even if i've always secretly prayed for someone eavesdropping on my private conversations. the myth of truly knowing someone would, in my case, only be possible thru reading my senseless babblings that i write for myself.

so, who am i when it comes to actually being honest in front of other people? it's such an easy way out really, writing such unspeakable truths in public and waiting for someone to stumble on them.

back to the point - i put this thing up to showcase emotions i could never speak about otherwise, and to make deliberate confessions i could never stand behind or take credit for face to face. how pathetic is that and what am i supposed to do about it? how do i lure people into my deadly truth-trap without being obvious or exposing myself, huh?
right answers would be appreciated.

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