Called: riija
Alias: precious
Age: 18
Gender: subject to change
Into: anime, music, tv, the internet, art
Favorite words: glitter girl, circus-sex, jitter bug
Music: Tori Amos, Garbage, Fiona Apple, Train, Matchbox20, Bush
Things i might not admit to: listening to Britney Spears, watching Buffy, sleeping till noon, being sex-o-phobic..
Addicted to: Livingetc, the magazine
Things i feel nostalgic about: My Little Pony, bad 80's cartoons like Dungeons n' Dragons, Lady Lovelylocks dolls and lots and lots of toys..
Suffering from:
not-so-temporary insanity
Feeling: Like a little genius *smirk*
pictures: cds, knickers, tongue
lyric of the day:
"I'm heavy on me knees"
Train - Heavy

ICQ number.. i've forgotten? o_0

AN Forums as precious - i never post there though


rant - version hentai

i'm so tired of people getting on my case about hentai. some people seem to find it impossible for a self-declared feminist to stand up for hentai. believe me when i tell you it's not exactly my favorite artform, but i think it's a big step up from regular live action porn. and yes, i do have a couple of hentais i quite enjoy, though mostly for the story, not the sex.

normally my biggest problem with hentai is the unjust categorization of women, which is nothing unusual in regular porn either. i think it's pretty scary that in anime all together the sexiest females are often pre-pubescent little girls. i wouldn't wish for one single person to get any ideas based on that. the problem with porn is though that even if women aren't portrayed as small children, they are forced to play roles that aren't exactly present in normal every-day life. in porn women are raped, battered or even killed and taken advantage of. women have no individual will or character. unrealistic images of women so horny they'll even fuck men like ron jeremy are portrayed, and even the stereotype of a porn flickwoman is unrealistic. i mean get over yourselves boys, women like that don't exist, and if they did, they wouldn't touch you even with a stick.

so both forms of porn include distasteful ideas of what is sexy or acceptable. even though these ideas are present in both forms i think they're easier to stomach in one more so than in the other. i don't have to tell anyone how many weird people there are out there, maybe watching these films and probably getting ideas. naturally a sick person can be influenced by anything, be it animated or acted in, but personally i think it's easier to make a distinction between fantasy and reality when all you have are shapes moving on your screen. both hentai and live action porn are fantasy, but i think it's easier to notice hentai isn't real, after all it's a-n-i-m-a-t-e-d. also i hope no man thinks he can tentacle rape someone. even the idea of tentacle rape is so obscure in itself that it efficiently puts hentai in the roam of make-believe.

live action porn, even though it fundamentally is a form of fantasy, can much more easily be confused with reality. after all it's real people doing real things (i.e. no tentacle rape) on screen. so what if people watch too much porn and start to think that treating women like they do in porn is normal? what if they get the idea to go rape someone after seeing it done hundreds of times on screen? in the united states alone a woman is raped every 2 minutes. the bottom line is i think hentai is a safer form of porn, even for people who might be more prone to confuse things.

another gripe i have with regular porn is the industry behind it. unlike in hentai, many times the work conditions are bad, poorly supervised, unsafe or -healthy. the industry exploits its workers and drains them dry. it may have connections to drug scenes, prostitution or crime in general and even if it doesn't, many times women might later get accidentally mixed up with prostitution since the porn industry doesn't exactly provide much to fall back on.

hentai on the other hand is made in a studio by fully clothed people. even respectable seiyuu sometimes work on hentai movies. hentai in production is lines on paper, painted cells and audio tracks, not dicks and tits.

so i say, go hentai!
next time you wanna get off and no girl'll have you go rent or d/l a hentai - you know, you might like it!

about my ranting
This page is reserved for ranting and raving about any possible subject i come up with. it won't be updated regularly, instead it will be updated when ever i feel like ranting about something. Rants will only include my personal opinions that are subject to change. I don't mean to offend anyone with what i have to say and no one is forced to agree with me, but i have strong opinions that i will state frankly. i don't mind intellegent conversation, but i won't start flame wars or reply to stupid email.
i'm sorry in advance.

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